lundi 8 janvier 2024

Why the Supreme Court should declare Trump ineligible

On February 8, 2024, the Supreme Court of the United States of America will render its verdict on whether or not Donald Trump is eligible for elective office, following the 6 January 2021 United States Capitole attack. If the Supreme Court declares Trump eligible, not only will it make the 14th Amendment useless, the decision will also question the very raison d'être of the Supreme Court.

Why should a french author meddle in American elections? Because it could be fun and refreshing for english speaking people to look abroad and see what the average French thinks about this very subject.
The 14th Amendment was designed to prevent any disintegration of the United States of America, and any new civil war.

Now, Donald Trump is promising riots and revolts by his supporters if he is not allowed to be candidate.

My advice to the Supreme Court judges: make Donald Trump inelegible for lifetime on February. If he is to begin a new Civil War, I prefer it to begin on February rather than on November. Because if he is a candidate on November and loses, Trump will never admit his defeat. He didn't admit his defeat against Ted Cruz. Or against Biden. He's not reliable. The elections will provide him with a formidable megaphone to spread his lies if he's allowed to be candidate. It is the sacred duty of the Supreme Court to deprive him of this megaphone while it's still possible, in order for the civil war to be minor rather than massive.

In a word, you never yield to a bully who is threatening you with violence. America must not yield to Trump.

Here is a list of established facts and a question. 

Fact: Donald Trump said there will be "no America" if his supporters and him didn't march to the Capitole.

Fact: There is still an America, even if the States are less united because of Trump's anti-system stance and his poisoning words.

Fact: Donald Trump said "We will be marching to the Capitole."

Fact: Donald Trump didn't march to the Capitole and let his supporters do the dirty job. Because Trump is a coward.

Fact: not a single court in the USA has ruled that the result of the presidential election in favor of Biden was rigged, stolen by Biden.
Fact: Trump has longstanding history of calling elections 'rigged' if he doesn’t like the results. He did it with the 2012 general election, with the 2016 primary and general election, with the 2020 general election.

Fact: Donald Trump accused a Republican named Ted Cruz of stealing Iowa Caucuses through fraud.

Question: how many times has Donald Trump said the elections were stolen by Biden. 10 times? 100 times? 1000 times? If it's 1000 times or more, it's propaganda. Spreading his lies again and again and again until the most gullible people believe them. Against all the decisions of the courts. It's also the definition of a man quite insane, in my opinion.

What is the best way to get rid of a democracy? Pretend that the system is rigged. Flawed beyond repair. Create a monster. Call it Deep State. Pretend that the deep state controls everything. Pretend that there is state controlled media spreading the propaganda.

In fact, the real monster is the one desperately trying to overthrow democracy.

I wouldn't pretend that all is good and well in the media. But by refusing to stick to facts and questioning the entire system without any proof or evidence, people become vulnerable to lies.

We all should know what sects do. They force you to question everything, making you vulnerable to lies. There is a reason for categorizing the Trump supporters as members of a cult.


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